Succession Planning: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

For a business owner, planning for leaving or disposing of a business is never a simple task. No matter how certain your future appears, succession planning is an essential part of doing business.

It may be easy to put off planning when everything seems to be going well. However, the opportune time to begin formulating and executing an effective succession plan is when things are going well.

As a business owner, you are going to have to decide when will be the right time to step out of the family business and how you will go about doing it. Perhaps you have children or other family members who wish to continue the business after your retirement.

describe the imageTo help you better understand exactly what this process entails, Zinner & Co. Tax Senior Michael Hermes has written "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Business Succession Planning & Development" a FREE guide to the major pros, cons, and myths that come with success planning. 

Download "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Business Succession Planning & Development" to better understand how putting a good succession plan in place can ensure that you have funds in place for retirement and that the business you built up will continue to thrive in the hands of its successors.

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