Does your small business or organization have strong internal control policies, processes and procedures? Do you or those holding a fiscal responsibility know what action steps should be taken daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly to reduce risk of fraud, theft, error of non-compliance.
This simple and easy-to-follow checklist provides you with a comprehensive set of questions to assist with accessing the health of your organization’s control environment and to clearly see areas in need of attention that may otherwise create an environment ripe for risk, including:
- Cash receipts
- Cash disbursements
- Petty cash
- Payroll
- Fixed Assets
- Financial Statements
- General operations
The team of credentialed practitioners of Zinner & Co. are ready to start the conversation and we welcome your call or email to learn more and how we can help you. Our clients have peace of mind and satisfaction knowing the Zinner team is focused on creating a strong, solid, and meaningful process of internal controls to create—and sustain their business for today and many years to come.