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In our increasingly digital world, safeguarding yourself from IT security concerns is crucial.

In late December, the Internal Revenue Service launched a new Voluntary Disclosure Program to help businesses who want to pay back the money they received after filing Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims in error.


A bookkeeper can be one of the most important hires your organization ever makes. A good bookkeeper can keep you on the straight and narrow. A bad one can take you off the rails.

There are key skills and attributes you should look for when hiring a bookkeeper; here are 10 of the most important:


As speculation about the state of the world economy continues, many companies are beginning to think about how to grow their revenues. One of the best places to start is to mine your current roster of clients.

Studies suggest that existing clients are 50% more likely to buy from an existing vendor. Selling to your current clients can reduce your cost of sales, reduce the time of your sales cycle and improve margins. Here are a few ideas on how to grow revenues from your existing clients:


One of the fastest and most effective ways to gain momentum and market share is through the acquisition of a competitor. Acquiring a competitor has two distinct advantages – it allows you to eliminate competition; and it allows you to gain new products, customers and employees.

Earlier this year, we shared some of our favorite books (see part 1 and part 2) and the response was quite favorable, so we thought we’d share a few more.

Running a small business can be challenging. Owners must always strike a balance between having the tools they need to run the business and controlling expenses.

One of the surest ways to keep your best employees is to take an active role in their growth and development. Doing so casts you into the role of a mentor, someone who can help them grow and reach their full potential, whatever that may be.

Your organization’s website should be one of your most valuable assets. It’s like a 24/7/365 salesperson that is constantly generating new sales leads and customers. However, if your website isn’t designed with mobile, you’ll be lucky if anyone sees it at all.

Next to your customers, your employees should be your most valuable asset. They are the face and image of your company to your customers and prospects. But good workers are in high demand and it can be hard to keep your best and brightest.