Many Ohioans have faced obstacles to home ownership due to rising prices and high mortgage rates.
Sale of Home and Capital Gains Tax
Zinner & Co. Real Estate Team real estate , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , tax , taxes , tax avoidanceAre you thinking about selling your home but worried about the additional tax it could generate?
It is possible that you could be one of the many who can sell your home while avoiding the capital gains tax.
Commercial Real Estate – Before, During and After the Pandemic
Zinner & Co. Real Estate Team real estate , Coronavirus , COVID-19For many commercial real estate owners, the real estate bubble of 2008 was far in the rearview mirror as they rang in the 2020 New Year.
Nearly 12 years later, they survived the drop in property valuations, frozen lines of credit, mortgage defaults and renegotiations, which the credit markets had served up in 2008. Little did they know, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. would usher in a far greater challenge than they ever experienced.
Ask the Expert: What Does ‘Like-Kind’ Mean in a 1031 Exchange?
Zinner & Co. Real Estate Team real estate , income tax , tax avoidance , personal finance , 1031 ExchangeQ: What Does ‘Like-Kind’ Mean in a 1031 Exchange?
A: As you are probably aware, a 1031 Exchange refers to a provision in the U.S. tax code, which allows real estate investors to sell or dispose of a piece of real property and purchase another piece of “like-kind” property without incurring any short-term tax consequences. But what does like-kind mean?
4 Things to Consider Before Gifting Your House to Your Child
Zinner & Co. real estate , gift tax , Estates, Gifts & TrustsOne nearly universal element of the American Dream is the desire for your children to have more and do better than you. Many parents consider the legacy they will leave for their children as a part of their financial goal.
Ask The Expert: Someone told me I could be impacted by depreciation recapture even though I didn’t claim depreciation – is this true?
Zinner & Co. Tax Team real estate , income tax , depreciation
Ask the Expert: I sold my income property. Someone told me I could be impacted by depreciation recapture even though I didn’t claim depreciation – is this true?The short answer is, yes.
Certain types of assets can be depreciated and are subject to depreciation recapture; among these are investment rental properties.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up Your Real Estate Investment Business
Zinner & Co. investments , real estate , start upsYou’ve decided that it’s time to try your hand at real estate investing. You’ve read about the potential tax savings and you want to give it a try…great! But before you jump in, there are a few important things you should think about to ensure you’re protecting your personal assets and optimizing your tax position.
The 10 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Estate Planning
Zinner & Co. real estate , Retirement Planning & IRAs , Estates, Gifts & Trusts , Insurance
If you’re like most, you want to be able to leave something to your progeny when you die. Leaving a legacy for our children is just part of the American dream of wanting them to “have it better” than we did. But many well-intended parents have had their wishes left unfulfilled because of simple errors in estate planning.
IRS Establishes Safe Harbor for Real Estate Rental Businesses
Zinner & Co. Tax Team real estate , Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 , Qualified Business IncomeThe IRS recently provided guidance to real estate investors regarding the Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA.) One of the weaknesses of the QBI provision of the TCJA was a lack of clarity in section 199A, which allows some taxpayers with pass-through businesses (e.g. LLCs and S-Corps,) to deduct 20% of their qualifying income.
Updated: 7 Important Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing
Zinner & Co. Tax Team investments , real estate , income tax , Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 , 1031 ExchangeInvesting in real estate is a great way to develop wealth and improve your cash flow. In addition to the benefits of receiving monthly rental income, you can also potentially realize some significant tax benefits.
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Since 1938, Zinner has counseled individuals and businesses from start-up to succession. At Zinner, we strive to ensure we understand your business and recognize threats that could impact your financial situation.
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