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Governor Mike DeWine has signed a bill into law that will allow Attorneys and Lobbyists to take the Business Income Deduction (BID) deduction.The law was backed by the Ohio Society of CPAs, and was viewed as a fix to a part of the biennial budget that was thought to be unfair in its treatment of two specific professions.

As we wrote about when the bill first passed the General Assembly of the House in October, the law, in part, allows lawyers and lobbyists to take the same deductions as other types of pass-through entities. The law also contains two other provisions of note:

The Ohio General Assembly unanimously passed a bill that reverses a previous tax measure, passed in July, that required lawyers and lobbyists to pay tax on the first $250,000 of income they earned.

Ohio's state constitution requires that the state's biennial budget be approved by June 30. That deadline has come and gone and Ohio's Legislature has not yet passed a budget. The house and senate both approved a measure that extends state funding at current levels for 17 days while lawmakers try to compromise on the 3,000+-page budget bill.