Ohio’s annual sales tax holiday is right around the corner.
Hurricane Ian Casualty Loss
Zinner & Co. Tax Team Taxes - Corporate & Business , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - IndividualMany of our clients who live in the Southwest Florida region, as well as North and South Carolina, were affected by Hurricane Ian.
On Oct. 5, 2022, the IRS published IR-2022-173, which allows hurricane victims in those states an extension of time to file their 2021 income tax returns until Feb. 15, 2023. This meant that if a valid extension was granted for your individual tax return through until Oct. 17, 2022, you had until Feb. 15. The affected states have followed the same stance as well.
Sale of Home and Capital Gains Tax
Zinner & Co. Real Estate Team real estate , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , tax , taxes , tax avoidanceAre you thinking about selling your home but worried about the additional tax it could generate?
It is possible that you could be one of the many who can sell your home while avoiding the capital gains tax.
Choosing the right PC can be a difficult decision, especially for those who are not tech-savvy.
In today's world, technology has become an integral part of our lives.
With the increased use of digital devices, the number of cyberattacks has steadily risen.
Many of us have our faces stuck on screens most of the day. You are either working at a computer, picking up a cell phone to answer email, cruising through social media, or just looking at notifications when you hear that special ding.
It feels like two or three times a day, there is a report in the media about a company admitting its data was breached and customer information, including passwords, was stolen.
Even large firms or companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Target have admitted to breaches.
The truth is, no organization is immune from these attacks.
What most people need to be told is that you need to protect yourself not only by paying attention, but by carefully managing your various passwords.
Pay Attention to Your Emails and Make Sure They Are Real
Zinner & Co. identity theft , fraud , Credit card fraudWe all get emails from UPS, Walmart, Costco and other big retailers, airlines or travel resorts, but are they real?
Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to get your information, steal money or steal your identity. They will create emails that look like they are from your bank, the IRS, a store you shop at, coworkers, relatives, or friends.
These emails will contain links they want you to click so you can enter your information. Unfortunately, once you do that, the damage is done.
New changes abound for IRS in 2023, but one problem remains – backlogs
Zinner & Co. Taxes - Corporate & Business , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - Individual , taxes , IRS , Zinner News , Zinner & Co.A new year ushers in many changes for the Internal Revenue Service, but one massive problem will not go away – backlogs.
While the IRS still must deal with a backlog of mail and a backed-up phone system that leaves taxpayers and practitioners on hold and frequently drops the call, changes are in the works. Among them are a potential new commissioner (Danny Werfel was nominated for the role in November 2022) and an increased budget that will give the IRS billions of dollars to spend, although it has less than two months left to develop a spending plan.
About Us

Since 1938, Zinner has counseled individuals and businesses from start-up to succession. At Zinner, we strive to ensure we understand your business and recognize threats that could impact your financial situation.
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